High schoolers learn about relevant financial skills like managing salary, buying a car and avoiding debt.
- Lesson 1: Money Matters: Why It Pays to Be Financially Responsible
- Lesson 2: Dream Big: Money and Goals
- Lesson 3: Road Rules: Researching and Buying a Car
- Lesson 4: The Cost of College/University: Financing Your Education
- Lesson 5: A Perfect Fit: Finding the Right Career for You
- Lesson 6: Making it Work Together: Money and Roommates
- Lesson 7: A Plan for the Future: Making a Budget
- Lesson 8: Make It Happen: Saving for a Rainy Day/Emergencies
- Lesson 9: Savvy Spending: Sharpening Money Decisions
- Lesson 10: The Danger of Debt: Avoiding Financial Pitfalls
- Lesson 11: Kindness Counts: Understanding Charitable Giving